Thursday, November 29, 2007

Patrick curries favor with Rick Siegel

Predictably Patrick Curley echoed Rick Siegel's homophobic schoolyard attacks by calling me a female name. He goes on to conflate Nico's gay bashing with those of us exposing Nico's gay bashing. Just another disinfo tactic exposing Curley as a shill boy.

In the comments to his blog people say the damnedest things with no hint of irony:

I do not see why you owe any form of put down or smack down on Nico, or anyone else who posts here. If that were the case, would you not have to post a "smackdown" of Troy almost daily?

You are not responsible for what the posters here do on other sites, or in other mediums.


By that standard, most 911 Truth people aren't responsible for the obvious fringe characters surrounding the movement. But Screw Loose has no hesitation with labeling us all holocaust deniers if Pat can find one...even if it's fake. If he can't find an example, he makes one up quoting someone out of context.

If we have clean up after all the Tarpley's, Fetzers, and Woods, you bet your ass we're going to make the disinfo crowd clean up after it's own.

A revealing exchange:

Whatever our differences, I do appreciate your taking a principled position on this one, Pat!


I was asked to do it and I felt it was appropriate, TAM. We do police their behavior quite often over at the LCF and 9-11 Blogger, it's only fair to point out when Nico does it too.

At one point Nico was asking the AIA about Gage, and he spelled it "G-A-Y--Sorry-G-E", with a big smirk. That's not acceptable to me, and BTW he got the ... bit from the odious Webster Tarpley.

Who asked you, Pat? Answer that. Since when do you listen to "The Authority"? My guess is it was Rick. James tries some damage control:

So now we not cover the troof movement, but we are somehow obligated to immediately point out whenever one of them is acting offensive. We are going to have to hire some more people...
Alex thinks Nico's unacceptable behavior is less annoying than the actions of the real Truth Movement:

Nico's less annoying.
Consdemo tries more damage control:

Obviously this is up to you and Pat, but I would advise against getting in the middle of twoofer wars. So many of them seem to be mentally ill and there isn't much to be gained.
Another weaseling, "we're not responsible" vote:

So, now we have the political correctness police here? If someone is homophobic so be it, no need to comment at all. As soon as homophobia has some kind of direct link to 9-11 then comment all you like.
Followed by a disgusting exercise in projection:
Why not? When one of the deniers makes anti-Semitic or other racist comments, I'd expect it to be posted here. It shows up what slime they are.

Besides, a number of NWO conspiracy theorists think that Bohemian Grove is linked to some kind of gay prostitution ring, and Alex Jones often goes off on rants about how "faggots" are undermining 'his' country in the name of Satan. Their homophobia is an integral part of their nuttiness.

Believe us, Alex Jones is on the "to do" list.

But when push came to shove Patty Cakes deleted the link to this blog:

Update: Link removed to original post. What a shock, the original poster after chiding Nico for homophobia turns around and engages in it himself. These people really are retards.

How am I engaging in homophobia, Pat? If that's true, link to the proof and let your readers judge. You can't even describe what this "homophobia" is supposed to be. We're thinking you just want to help Rick Siegel hide his dirty laundry. Maybe you didn't notice, but you slipped:

I was asked to do it and I felt it was appropriate, TAM
You don't take "twoofer" orders or requests. And we don't "ask"...we tell. Someone told you to post that 3 day late "Smackdown".

In other circumstances we'd complement you on taking a stand, even if it was on orders. But this is too little, too late.

You made your bed. Patrick...with Rick, Nico and God knows who else; lie in it.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Rick Siegel weclomes Brainster to 911Researchers


rick's picture
Submitted by rick on Fri, 2007-03-16 00:25.

Hey, saw that the 911flogger had a Screw Loose Change researcher busting loose and creating a blog. The guy saw the same thing with the screwloose potkrtd as the 911truthers have - total infiltration.

Well, you will bet the floogers will show him the royal jelly - so let's get ready to welcome someone whose eyes may have opened.

Come on over Brainster


Rick welcoming a debunker into the no-planes fold so fast on so little evidence is odd. Even odder Patty rushes over to register and post :

Brainster's picture

Don't Believe everything you read, Rick

Some idiot's faking being me, just like they are with Nico.

Visit the Screw Loose Change blog

Nico confirms Pat is "real" eagerly:

ewing2001's picture

...seems to be the real

...seems to be the real brainster ;

ip address: (copy)
IP country: United States
IP Address state:
IP Address city: Phoenix

How could Nico know Patrick Curley's IP address so he could confirm it was the real Brainster ?

Just asking.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Google-bots find Rick Siegel's dirty laundry

Google search for 911Stalker TV and my blog at 911Researchers is the first result. Kind of strange after the Big Man banned me:

A search for Apollo "Nico Haupt" 911Researchers gets this:

It's too late to hide your dirty laundry from the the search engines, Richard. Next time worry less about being the Big Man and more about what your people do.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Patrick Curley's Ass-ets

Pat Curley, famed debunker of Screw Loose Change, shows his ass for all to see.

Richard Siegel equates Demands for Accountability with Holocaust Denial

You can't make this up

In our continuing online "debate", Rick not only continues to refuse to apologize for his employee, Nico "TVFakery" Haupt's homophobic attacks on 911 activist Richard Gage, but he brazenly admits he's deleting evidence:

rick's picture

Apollo 10 Warning

Look little shill boy, you are distracting the forum here by bringing your own emotional and psychological issues rather than any 9/11 research. You are in serious breech and I am ready to delete all your posts, as they have nothing to do with 9/11 researchers and everything to do with emotional and mental problems you are having. I am not ready to have search engines find your drivel here.

Chill. I will continue to delete your more spurious posts, as they have nothing to do with research. If you need help with your orientation google it or use search to find the help you need. This is for 9/11 research not gay pride or bashing, Jew bashing, holocaust denial, who shot JFK, or anything else that distracts the issues. Stick with the program or find yourself a door.

And he thinks I'm being pompous. At least he stopped with the "Apolla" cracks. I set him straight... again:

Apollo's picture

You will continue to delete my ON TOPIC posts, huh?

Thanks for making that clear, Richard.

"Look little shill boy, you are distracting the forum here by bringing your own emotional and psychological issues rather than any 9/11 research."

LOL. Asking why you or your site are not taking responsibility for speaking out against homophobic attacks against 911 activists, is not a "psychological" issue, Richard. My blog is about these attacks. So the rest of you are off topic. Gotta wonder why the bunch of you even bothered posting in my blog.

"You are in serious breech and I am ready to delete all your posts, as they have nothing to do with 9/11 researchers and everything to do with emotional and mental problems you are having."

Speaking out against bad behavior in our own ranks has EVERYTHING to do with 911 activism. You want to be a leader, Big Man? Then you gotta act like one. Pretending to ignore problems in our own ranks is irresponsible cowardice.

"I am not ready to have search engines find your drivel here."

Um, sorry pal, but The Engineer tells me it's too late for that.

"Chill. I will continue to delete your more spurious posts, as they have nothing to do with research."

Neither does this site. There is not one piece of real research to be found here, only a regurgitation of long since discredited no-planes crap. You're not fooling anyone anymore.

"If you need help with your orientation google it or use search to find the help you need."

Hold on buddy, are you implying being gay is a disease that needs "fixing"? Clarification, please.

"This is for 9/11 research not gay pride or bashing, Jew bashing, holocaust denial, who shot JFK, or anything else that distracts the issues."

Wow, that was disgusting. A deliberate attempt to conflate demanding accountability for bad behavior with holocaust denial. What do you do for an encore?

"Stick with the program or find yourself a door."

Considering there is no program to stick to, vis-a-vis research here, it's impossible to stick to it. I will continue to follow the custom observed in most forums of "staying on topic" in a blog thread.

I will point out if you hadn't been so defensive about Nico's behavior you could see how speaking out against it would have a positive effect for you "research"; it would show people you do have standards and give you some credibility you desparately need.

But you and I know this is all a show. Besides, we got what we came for. What happens now is up to you.

Within minutes after I post Rick makes his decision to "pull" my account.

You made your bed Ricky, now it's time for you to lie in it. Let this stand as a monument to the Rick Siegel's gang of appalling hypocrisy, when they whine from forum to forum they are being censored, and claim they would NEVER censor anyone for any reason. Listen up boyo:


Thank you.


-What the Google bots found about 911Researchers
-Killtown the Coward

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Rick Siegel takes a stand at 911Researchers to Censor Accountability

After deleting my comment calling for Rick to hold his friends and employees accountable, and speak out against the homophobic ramblings by the public face of no-planes, Nico "TV-Fakery" Haupt, "Ricki" posts this charming piece of gay-bait:


You are still threading lightly apolla, when you correct and spell the names of the people you talk to you may pontificate again about reasons for purposeful misspelling. Until then you have no third leg to stand on. You only have the rights I allow here not the ones you wish for. And if you look carefully here Nico is doing nothing and you are the one spreading homophobic rhetoric. Watch for thin ice. Your idiot message was deleted for content and linkage. Dont screw with me.

How is it in China anyway? Or is it just a trip? Are you an American in China or Australian? Why do you care about German-American’s with sexual deviations in NYC sitting on the other side of the world?

Our "conversation" continued:

Apollo's picture

Homophobic coward

Keep showing what a jerk you are with the childish "Apolla" cracks.

"How is it in China anyway? Or is it just a trip? Are you an American in China or Australian?"

We're fucking superheros. Figure it out.

I noticed Swift flying nearby. I just came back from the other side of the planet, so I hope it's not some evil clone you've whipped up. I know villains aren't known for originality.

"And if you look carefully here Nico is doing nothing and you are the one spreading homophobic rhetoric."

Got very good eyes, "laser sharp" you might say. And I see you have 911Stalker TV advertised in your side-bar flashing with other junk under subscribe...lying hypocrite.

"Until then you have no third leg to stand on."

My third leg is just fine, thank you.

"You only have the rights I allow here not the ones you wish for."

Does this mean we'll stop hearing No-planers whine about censorship in other places? Or is the hypocrite thing working out for you?

"Watch for thin ice. Your idiot message was deleted for content and linkage."

That was the message about holding your employees accountable for their behavior? Now I wonder why you'd want to hide that?

"Dont screw with me."

Please. I'm in a committed monogamous relationship, remember?

Oh, I get it. That was supposed to be a threat. Let's see, the worst you can do is:

delete my comments.
scramble my password
ban me without notice
delete my blog

But you don't want to do that. You know why? Because then you'd have no leg to stand on, third or otherwise, when one of your crew calls us cowards for not "debating" no-planers . Shut me down, Ricki(and if you want me to start spelling your name right, cut out the "Apolla" crap) and you loose the "we never censor people" moral high ground you've been trying to take ever since your shills have been booted from 9/11 site after 9/11 site.

It's up to you, Richard. You're the Big Man here. What are you going to do?

What he does is...this should be no surprise by now...DELETE my comment AGAIN.

He's a Big Man that Richard Siegel. Can't take a stand, can't hold his employees responsible for stalking, can't even control them, but, by God, he can delete comments. Guess he thinks that'll get him laid. What the prick didn't know was that I'd started archiving them.

NEXT: The Big Man choses

FYI: Treading lightly is nothing when you fly.

China was fantastic...

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Homophobia and Censorship at 9/11 Researchers

911Stalker TV: Nico Haupt's mixed media exercise in Homophobia and Pornography

Apollo's picture
Submitted by Apollo on Fri, 2007-11-23 14:19.

Sorry to crash the super-villian party, but that's what we do. So what's this about, besides proof you people suck?

911Stalker TV

Even as a gay man in a long-term commited relationship, I appreciate the aesthetics of a man baring all. But in Nico's mixed message video of gay-bashing, combined with showing his assets in a very "gay" way, we wonder if he is a closet-case cliche.

But that's beside the point. The point is, not only are you all a bunch of no-planes losers in bed with the debunker crowd (you can take that in every sense of the words), but you also tollerate a gay-bashing homophobic stalker. Since we don't see any evidence to the contrary in any recent blogs here speaking out against this shit, we have to assume you, and the debunkers for that matter, approve of it.

Like other "leaders" in the Truth movement found out, no one gets a free ride. Screw up, you answer to a higher Authority. Now is the time for Richard Seigel to take a stand and say something...before my husband gets too worked up.

These gays will be bashing back if you can't control your disinfo brigade.

To which Siegel's response was:

rick's picture

I tolerate

You don't I?

Apolla, look, you are the ONLY one to take interest in this and you are not a regular 911 researcher. So what's your point?

I stand for freedom and liberty and Nico has not broken laws. Sure his show sucks, he did not prepare any numbers, his accent sort of kills it sometimes and it got so boring I could puke, but what the hell? One day he may do something cool.

Nico's fetishes are world-renowned. Whats new? He is German, what’s new? Germany has the Raperbahn you know and it had more than the Beatles spawn from it. So that and an old newspaper means you can wrap some smelly fish.

In the meantime I do not like "hate" stuff. I do not believe in "hate crimes" because crimes exist and so does hate.

What do you come here expecting me, or the people on this site, to do apolla? You think we should whip Nico? Put him in jail? Have him arrested? Ban him for doing a radio show and posting it and having strange erotic digressions? That is a disgrace to freedom and liberty and I wont have that.

So look, you are the only one here stinking the place up with that stuff, even Nico does not post that stuff here. What's the purpose other than the above paragraph? You can take your higher authority and put it in the lower expository exit hole and let it work its way around there for a while. Learn how to spell the names of the people you talk to and tell your husband to get his hands out of his pants!

I would share my response except that, on this No-planes, TV fakery, Mini-nuke shill site, where members like Peggy Carter and Killtown whine about being censored at other 911 sites...wait for response, which was mostly about not tolerating homophobia, responsibility for friends and employees, and pointing out how childish "Apolla" cracks were...that response was DELETED.

So much for no-planer hypocritical whines about censorship.

To be continued....


Ever wondered about Pat Curley's ass?

Wonder no more.