Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Rick Siegel weclomes Brainster to 911Researchers


rick's picture
Submitted by rick on Fri, 2007-03-16 00:25.

Hey, saw that the 911flogger had a Screw Loose Change researcher busting loose and creating a blog. The guy saw the same thing with the screwloose potkrtd as the 911truthers have - total infiltration.

Well, you will bet the floogers will show him the royal jelly - so let's get ready to welcome someone whose eyes may have opened.

Come on over Brainster


Rick welcoming a debunker into the no-planes fold so fast on so little evidence is odd. Even odder Patty rushes over to register and post :

Brainster's picture

Don't Believe everything you read, Rick

Some idiot's faking being me, just like they are with Nico.

Visit the Screw Loose Change blog

Nico confirms Pat is "real" eagerly:

ewing2001's picture

...seems to be the real

...seems to be the real brainster ;

ip address: (copy)
IP country: United States
IP Address state:
IP Address city: Phoenix

How could Nico know Patrick Curley's IP address so he could confirm it was the real Brainster ?

Just asking.