Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The Big Man shares shops secrets in attack on Hoffman

Old news but worth repeating:

from 911research

In the following passage, Siegel suggests that Hoffman uses websites to monitor visitors and craft COINTELPRO operations.

Hoffman has done a superhuman job, if he is not just an agency team front-man, managing large websites, 911review and 911research. This is the Honey Pot strategy. IP numbers of visitors can be monitored and cross-referenced just like covert agency boards aka Above Top Secret do. This is the most effective way to control information and monitor its effects on the public. All the breaking 9/11 research falls into their laps and allows them to quickly design some propaganda to counter it. If you know where the public awareness fires are starting, then you can quickly put them out with CoIntelPro.
It takes one to know one, Big Man. You don't site evidence. You don't have any 'cause Hoffman is the real deal. That "superhuman" job is called hard work, something you may not recognize.

So the only spook shop you could be talking about is your personal ops.

Thanks for sharing, Big Man.